Ask the Coach!

Connect with us Remotely using Ask the Coach!

Our Ask the Coach service allows you to access to your very own money coach. It takes the mystery out of personal finance issues by giving you a proven resource to reach out to when you have challenges or questions. 

With worries and restrictions relating to the spread of COVID-19, Ask the Coach is a great option for remote consultations with a certified money coach! We can connect with you via Zoom, FaceTime, Phone, and email.

But how does it work, what does it cost, and what is included?

Ask the Coach includes the following services

  • Access to a Dave Ramsey certified Master Financial Coach (time subject to membership level). This is an easy means to get personalized financial advice tailored to Your needs..
  • One-On-One coaching via Face-to Face, Phone, Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, etc. (subject to membership level)
  • A monthly e-newsletter for Silver and Gold Memberships which details topics that are both timely and relevant to financial subjects that affect daily life for all of us.
  • Completely unrestricted access to all material on our website which includes videos, blogs, and other resources designed to help you better understand your finances.

What does it Cost and how do I sign up?

  • Cost for one year of access is usually $130 per person, as much as you’d pay for one coaching session with most companies 
  • Individuals can sign up for our Bronze membership for $10 a month or $99 a year. Get started with our personal Financial Snapshot Form Here
  • Businesses can enroll employees with either or Silver or Gold packages ranging from $150-$300 a year per employee.  

Ask the Coach for Individuals

From an individual standpoint, not addressing your financial needs puts you and your loved ones at risk. Much like physical health, your finances require proactive efforts. People aren’t sure where to turn or how to find hope in a sometimes bleak situation. On top of that, most are too embarrassed to ask for help. Sound familiar? The Money Coaches provide support and resources through a personal relationship with our clients. We create a caring environment free from judgement of past decisions. Our motivation is to empower people to move forward with better decisions and a solid financial framework so they can save, invest and give. All of our knowledge and skills have come from years of experience through trial and error as we walked this very path. This above all else, makes us the perfect fit to help you find the financial peace we now have.

Ask the Coach Bronze Membership

  • 1/2 Hour a Month Coaching via phone, Zoom, FaceTime, Skype or email.
  • Personal money management advice.
  • Full Access Behind Paywall to tools, resources and newsletter archives.
  • Guaranteed Money Back if we don’t save you $500 first year.

$10 a month or $99 annually. (A nickel per hour worked based on a 40 hour work week.

Join Below

Ask The Coach for Companies

From an employer standpoint, when your employees are burdened by managing everyday expenses, it directly impacts retention rates and productivity. By being proactive with their overall wellbeing looks like more than just medical and retirement options. What about the in between? We work with companies to provide employees a better option than living paycheck-to-paycheck. We can help them thrive thus directly effecting how you do business. See our options below to find the best fit for you and your company.

Ask the Coach Silver Membership

  • UNLIMITED COACHING via Zoom, FaceTime, phone or email
  • Initial Onsite company consultation followed by once a year visits.
  • Monthly E-Newsletter delivered to HR for distribution.
  • Social Security Analysis for near retirement employees. Analysis debriefs provided by Allen Cobb.
  • Full Access Behind Paywall at Website is behind a paywall. All employees would be given access.

This service is $150 per employee annually. (7 1/2 cents per hour worked based on a 40 hour work week)

Ask the Coach Gold Membership

  • UNLIMITED in-person coaching to all employees.
  • Regular Visits to company locations monthly.
  • Social Security Analysis for near retirement employees. Analysis debriefs provided by Allen Cobb.
  • Harrison Assessment with Kathy Keller for college bound individuals.
  • Monthly E-Newsletter delivered to HR for distribution.
  • Full Access to THMC website Website is behind a paywall. All employees would be given access.
  • Complimentary Meals when meeting with employees and significant others.
  • Personal Finance Books, CD’s and Mp3 Files when appropriate.

The cost for this level is $300 per employee annually. (15 cents per hour worked based on a 40 work week)

*Some restrictions apply. Our company packages require company commitment and consultation. Payment not available online. All employees will be given online access through their HR department.
