From The Desk Of The Founder


Welcome to the world as we know it today.  Tomorrow will be what it is, but is not yet seen. We put our trust in our country's leaders. We seek to make our lives like a utopia. We put our confidence in our money. It has become obvious that people put their faith in all of the above, and yet leaders pass on, finish their time in office or are removed from power one way or another. Those seeking utopia have been disappointed each and every time.


We moved to a small rural town when our girls were 4 and 2.  That winter we were essentially starting over.  My previous job had ended and we began what has now been a 30+ year adventure in our new town. After arriving in the fall of 1983, we began the process of settling in.  We dealt with the normal; new friends, unfamiliar church, strange stores and a rented house.  Two years previously we had built a house, but had moved based on a future opportunity to become a business owner.


My parents bought a farm equipment dealership when I was nine.  One of my first jobs was filling the pop machine there. The pop machine was a rectangular box with Pepsi on the top panel. It stood half again taller than I did at that time.  Back then a 12oz Pepsi product which included Mountain Dew (bottled by Clem and Lem) cost you 15 cents...