

Are you there yet? That point in the summer where you look up and realize that in the midst of vacations, family reunions, fairs, sporting events, cookouts, and travel that you have blown through what you’d hoped to spend on summer leisure?


Everyone likes sandwiches, or at least most of us do. The word probably prompts a picture of one you like better than others. For me, it is the classic peanut butter and jelly. Living in a house with three kids six years old and younger will do that to you! However, we are not going to be talking about that kind of sandwich today. Instead, we will talk about the sandwich generation and what that means to you. What do I mean by the “sandwich generation?” I’m referring to generations of people who find themselves both raising children as well as caring for elderly parents.


This is my favorite time of year. I have always loved Thanksgiving more than any other holiday. Even as a kid, I remember how much I enjoyed getting together with family and laughing, eating, and playing some football in the back yard. As an adult I have reflected on why I enjoy the holiday as much as I do. There is nothing particularly special about turkey or stuffing or sweet potato casserole. They are all delicious, but so is deep dish pizza and we don’t have a holiday where that is the main dish (Maybe we should).


Not long ago my wife brought to my attention the bubbling paint in the corner of our dining room.  Our house is around 100 years old so I assumed there was a plumbing problem originating from the restroom upstairs. The corner of the dining room is not a 90-degree corner and because of past stains on the kitchen ceiling adjacent to the dining room...


Welcome to our blog! We’ve created this site, really this entire company, to help deal with a problem that we see on a daily basis.  People the world over need financial help. Don’t misunderstand, we are not here to give you a handout.  You’ve heard the quote about teaching a man to fish, and that’s more our game. What we do want to give you is some good advice, a bit of information, a bunch useful tools, and some training that will equip you to succeed.