

Welcome to the world as we know it today.  Tomorrow will be what it is, but is not yet seen.

We put our trust in our country’s leaders. We seek to make our lives like a utopia. We put our confidence in our money.

It has become obvious that people put their faith in all of the above, and yet leaders pass on, finish their time in office or are removed from power one way or another. Those seeking utopia have been disappointed each and every time.

Many people feel secure when they have money and I too like having enough to live without constant worry. I have a friend that says, “I’ve had junk and I’ve had nice stuff, and I prefer the nice stuff.”  I’ve noticed that there are a lot of people we might call well off that are not content. There seems to be an underlying fear that we might lose what we have.

Now that we realize this crisis we are witnessing right now is not going to have a quick and easy conclusion, it’s time to review how we look forward.

If you need advice about investing call Nyhart or your local financial advisor.

If you would like to talk to one of us Money Coaches the numbers and emails are enclosed. Sometimes just talking though your plans helps.

If you know where to get toilet paper or potatoes please let us know!

We prefer to have an attitude of gratitude instead of “stinkin’ thinkin’”.

Here a few ideas written long ago:

Finally, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think on these things.

What if we had an attitude of gratitude for what we do have instead of lamenting what we don’t have?

Is the power on at your house?

Is the heat on at your house?

Food is available at my house (except potatoes).

The same people that cared about me last month still do.

My life experience that tells me “This too shall pass”

Will we come out of this unscathed, time will tell? There are no earthly guarantees in life, but then there never have been.

Now let’s acknowledge that many folks are still getting the job done.

Our local grocery is working hard to keep us supplied. Pretty sure they have my gratitude and business from now on. We have always supported the local businesses if at all possible.

Our bank is open and they gave me some cash this morning.

Our local ambulance service, doctor’s office and drug stores are all open for the neediest.

Many of our local restaurants are open for carry out.

Our TV still works. We stream everything. No cable or satellite bill.

Spring is coming and grass in our yards are greening up.

Birds are singing every morning outside our windows.

Until next time “Think on these things”
